The demonstration programme of bio-control based IPM in potato was carried out at three locations of East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh. Potato variety Kufri Pukhraj was used. The crops were planted at 4th, 10th and 15th November in the Farmer’s practice, untreated control plot and IPM practice, at Jhampani. At Oyan, the crop was planted on 31st October in the Farmer’s practice, 5th November in both untreated control plot and IPM practice and at Sille the crop was planted on 19th, 20th and 20th October in the IPM practice, Farmer’s practice and untreated control plot, respectively. The crop was harvested at 90 days after planting. However, at 50 DAP, no significant difference was observed between the three treatments at Jhampani and between farmer’s practice (4.00%) and control (10.00%) at Sille. Farmer’s practice field recorded significantly lower incidence of late blight than the other two treatments in all the three locations at both 50 and 60 DAP. Highest incidence of the disease (70.07 per cent leaf area damage) was observed in untreated control (Sille) at 60 DAT. IPM practice recorded 20.60, 15.87 and 44.67 per cent leaf area damage at 60 DAP at Jhampani, Oyan and Sille and were significantly lower than the untreated control in their respective locations. The outcome compared with all the locations, Oyan was found better and also significantly superior over rest of the location against bacterial wilt incidence of potato.
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