A comparative study of economic analysis of tomato cultivation under
conventional cultivation and drip irrigation with mulching has been conducted
and presented in this paper. Numbers of studies are reported for economic
analysis of but none of them is analyzed the economics of cultivation in
details. They have just calculated the B-C ratio and payback period whereas in
this study in-depth analysis of economics of tomato cultivation are done and
presented herewith. Different parameters of economic analysis like Net Present
Value (NPV), Benefit cost Ratio, and payback period is estimated to access the
economic feasibility of tomato cultivation under conventional and drip
irrigation with mulching. The Net present value, Benefit cost ratio and Payback
period for tomato cultivation under conventional cultivation is Rs. 107120.42,
1.98 and 12 Months, respectively however, for drip irrigation with mulching, it
is Rs. 365981.77, 3.14 and 5 months, respectively.