A field experiment was conducted during October-17
to March-19 to study the effect of drip irrigation and fertigation on yield of
garden pea (cv. DDR-23 and GDFP-1) and chickpea (cv. Birsa Channa 3).Two
treatments namely conventional cultivation (without drip & fertigation) and
drip irrigation with fertigation were considered for the study. The increase in
yield for drip irrigated field peas over surface irrigated was 51.5% and 25.6%
for variety DDR-23 and GDFP-1 respectively however, in case of chick pea the
increase in yield was around 62% over conventional irrigated chick peas. The
results showed that drip irrigation with fertigation positively impacts optimum
supply of moisture, nutrients and biomass accumulation which leads to better
growth and yield.