This is study entitled to assess the effect of
different carbohydrate solutions on quality and vase life of cut carnation
flowers (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) cv. Master and Yellow Candy was
carried out with different sources of carbohydrate such as sucrose, common
sugar, palm sugar, palm crystals and karupatti each at 1, 3 and 5% to assess
the quality attributes and vase life. The experiment was laid out in completely
randomized block design with 16 treatments with three replications. The
observations viz., cumulative uptake of water, cumulative transpirational loss
of water, water balance, fresh weight of cut flower, cumulative physiological
loss in weight, stem strength, diameter of the flower, flower discoloration,
freshness of flower, TSS, pH of vase solution and vase life were recorded to
test the quality and vase life of cut carnation flowers. Sucrose 5% was found
to be the best vase solution and proved better in terms of vase life and its
dependent parameters in both the cultivars when compared to control. Sugars
delayed ethylene production in carnation flowers. Further to carry forward the
research with best performing carbohydrate in combination with different chemicals
in the future.