A multifactor experiment on ratoon spider lily cv. Local was conducted at Instructional Farm of Horticulture Department, Junagadh Agricultural University during 2011-2012. All the growth parameters were significantly influenced due to different levels of nitrogen. Application of nitrogen @ 400Kg N ha-1 with three equal split doses recorded significantly the highest plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, leaf length, diameter and weight of single bulb, number of bulbs per plant, bulb yield ha-1, N content in leaves and bulbs. Phosphorus also played a significant role in improving growth parameters at higher level except, number of leaves per plant, bulb yield, P content in leaves and bulb. Potassium doses were significantly increased the P content in leaves and bulb. The optimum vegetative growth and bulb yield were obtained with combined application of 400Kg N ha-1 and 200 Kg P2 O5 ha-1.
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