Journal's Citation Indices since 2012 : Total Citations 1510, h-Index 16, h5- Index 16, i10- Index 37, h5-median 13; Citation Rate:156/year; Watch:-Flora EduPower►
Present study is aimed to analyze the hydrobiological properties of Balapur pond. The study was conducted during all the three seasons over a period of one year from April 2017 to March 2018. Different hydrobiological parameters viz, temperature, transparency, pH, BOD and DO are analyzed with the help of hydrobiological kits and standard chemical methods. Systematically analyzed season wise samples indicated that the water quality of the pond studied is although having some pollutants but is more or less suitable for aqua culture and agricultural purposes
Verma A.K. (2019). Studies on hydrobiological properties of Balapur pond of Prayagraj (U.P.) HortFlora Res. Spectrum, 8(1 & 2) : 9-11
The HortFlora Research Spectrum (HRS) is an international-peer reviewed, open access journal that serves as a forum for the exchange and dissemination of R & D advances and innovations in all facets of Horticultural Sciences (Pomology, Olericulture, Floriculture, Post Harvest Technology, Plant Biotechnology, and Medicinal & Aromatic Plants etc.)
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