In spite of rich heritage of knowledge on the use of herbal drugs, due attention has not been paid to grow these medicinal plants, systematically as field crops. Over 60% of all pharmaceuticals are plant based. Plant growth and development are primarily governed by environmental conditions of the soil and climate. The success or failure of crop growing is intimately related to prevailing weather conditions. As per composition of plant metabolites, medicinal plants have been grouped as alkaloids including morphine (poppy), strychnine and brucine (nuxvomica), quinine (cinchona), ergotarnine (ergot), hyociamine (belladona), scolapormine (datura), emetine (ipecae), reserpine (rauvolfia), cocaine (coco), aconitine (aconite), lobelin (lobelia) etc. Soil and climatic requirement of some of the important medicinal plants is discussed hereunder along with their utilization and brief cultural technology so that it may be popularized and progressive growers may take up its cultivation and the supply of raw material is enhanced to the pharmaceutical industries.