Stem rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is an important disease of Rajmash (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Eastern U.P. Stem rot could be managed by the integration of various cultural practices like, different date of sowing and uses of different type of soil amendments. Among six different sowing dates viz., Ist and IIIrd week October, I st and III rd week of November and I st and III rd week of December, the lowest average of disease incidence (11.30%) and higher crop yield (27.60 q/ha) was obtained in I st week of October sowing during 2014-15. The maximum average disease incidence (29.60%) was observed in IIIrd week of December sowing in the year 2015-16. Seven different types of soil amendments viz. pyrite and Gypsum (@ 2.0 t/ha each) and Neem cake, Paddy straw, Ground nut cake, Caster cake and Mustard cake (@ 20.0 t/ha each) were used as soil application. All the amendments were significantly effective in reducing the disease over the con trol. The minimum disease incidence (8.30%) and maximum its yield (29.60 q/h) in I year and 9.50% disease incidence and yield of 28.30q/ha in II year was recorded by the application of pyrite. Gypsum was least effective soil amendment which showed max mum (25.00%) disease incidence in I year and II year with minimum yield (17.0 q/ha & 16.80 q/ha) in I and II year.