This paper critically examines how betel vine cultivation can be a viable livelihood option for rural poor in Bihar. Betelvine cultivation by rural farmers in Bihar shows a path way for reducing their poverty and enabling up ward social mobility. Thereby betel vine cultivation might be play key role in economic development of Bihar by unlocking the lock of rural entrepreneurship to some extent. Apart from their pivotal role in cultivation of staple crops, they are primarily responsible for the production of secondary crops such as betel vine cultivation which are often the only source of income available to their families. Farmers also often possess unique knowledge about betel vine cultivation and handle most of the work associated with it. The betel farming activities can generate employment opportunities for throughout the year. It is one of the most important cash crops and adequately justifies its nomenclature as the “green ATM for rural women”. Thus, government needs to recognize betel leaves as an important trading commodity and offer them support. If farmers have given a little support in terms of insurance or infra structure then betel leaf trade will flourish to boost up the national economy and generate huge employment opportunities for the rural people.