Eight genotypes of China aster were evaluated to determine genetic variability, heritability, correlation and path coefficient analysis, for 13 growth, flowering and post-harvest traits. Significant differences among genotypes for all the traits were observed through analysis of variance. Higher genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation was recorded for number of leaves/plant and number of ray florets/flower head. High heritability (>60%) was recorded for all traits. The genetic advance ranged from 0.97 (flower head diameter) to 143.01 (number of leaves/plant). High genetic gain was recorded for number of leaves/plant and number of ray floret/flower head. Weight of flowers/plant was significant and positively correlated both at genotypic and phenotypic level for earliness, duration of flowering, and number of flowers per plant, 100 flower weight and shelf life. Path coefficient analysis using correlation co efficients revealed that 100 flowers weight contributed highest positive direct effect on weight of flowers/plant followed by number of leaves/plant and number of flowers/plant. This study suggests that effective selection for desirable traits can be achieved in China aster.