Six varieties of Dendrobium spp. (Big White Sanan, Peach, Pink Strip, Morning Glory, Sonia and Aiyara Pink) were evaluated at the Horticultural Research Station, Mondouri, BCKVV, Nadia, West Bengal, during 2015-16 and 2016-17 under protected condition in naturally ventilated polyhouse. Maximum number of spike/plant was noticed in Morn ing Glory (5.67) and Sonia (5.67). Number of florets/spike was maximum in Pink Strip (13.67) followed by Morning Glory (13.33) and Peach (12.0). Morning Glory also had maximum spike length (58 cm) and rachis length (25 cm). Taking into consideration of both the quantitative and quality parameters, it may be concluded that Morning Glory and Pink Strip were better for pot plant production, whereas, Peach and Sonia were better for cut spike production. Big White Sanan and Aiyara Pink were very poor performer.