Surveys revealed that citrus foot rot/gummosis, fruit drop/stem-end rot and die-back were the most wide spread diseases prevalent in Punjab. Other commonly occurring diseases were bacterial canker, citrus greening, citrus ring spot and sooty mould. Citrus foot rot/gummosis occurred in trees of all age groups across the agro-climatic zones. Population of Phytophthora nicotianae showed an increasing trend from July on wards and reached maximum in the month of September. Pathological fruit drop during the months of September and October was the most detrimental. Per cent intensity of bacterial canker was very low in old orchards; whereas young orchards and nurseries in all the three agro-climatic zones were having low to moderate disease intensity. Citrus greening was more prevalent in the central and sub-mountainous regions, particularly on older trees. Moderate incidence of citrus ring spot was observed in arid-irrigated and central zones.