Journal : HortFlora Research Spectrum
Volume : Volume 4, Issue 4: December 2015
Page (s) : 374-376
Date of Publication
Print : 26-Dec-2015
Article Type : Research Note
Online : 26-Dec-2015
Standardization of Date of Sowing in Cape Gooseberry Raised in Protrays
Tanjeet Singh Chahal, Savreet Khehra* and Adesh Kumar
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The experiment was carried out at Fruit Research Station, Jallowal Lesriwal, Jalandhar during the year 2015 to evaluate nursery development of local variety of Cape gooseberry from Hathras district of Uttar Pardesh under the 40 mesh screen house in protrays. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three treatments and five replications. The observations regarding germination per cent, plant height, number of leaves, stem thickness and disease infected plants were noted under different dates of sowing viz., D1 (First week of April), D2 (Last week of April) and D3 (Second week of May). The second date of sowing resulted in maximum plant growth during nursery production in protrays.
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Cite this article as:
Chahal T. S., Khehra S. and Kumar, A. (2015). Standardization of date of sowing in Cape gooseberry raised in portrays. HortFlora Res. Spectrum, 4(4):374-376
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