Population dynamics of hopper showed that during the year 2000, hopper population on trunk cv. Dashehari was quite low in December, January and February (lowest 0.28 hopper per bag in 1st week of January). It started building up from March, reached peak (6.8 hopper per bag) in 4th week of May and then decreased. The population again increased slightly during September-October and declined again. Same trend was observed in the year 2001, also, where lowest population (0.16 hopper per bag) was recorded in 1st week of January, which increased later. Highest population (6.84 hoppers per bag) was recorded in 1st week of May and after that it declined again. Positive correlation existed between hopper population on trunk cv. Dashehari with temperature, sun shine, rain fall and wind velocity whereas negative correlation was found with relative humidity in both the years. The hot and moist eastern wind flow from April to July also assisted in the multiplication of hopper population, as the population at that time was high in both the year.
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