The world over there is heavy reliance on three crops—rice, wheat and maize to fulfill dietary energy requirement of the mankind. There are many other crops of promise which can be utilized to share the dominating reliance on these crops. Jackfruit is one of them. Its ripe fruits contain 22.4–24 per cent carbohydrates and are rich source of it. They contain 0.8 per cent mineral matter. The seeds containing 32.6–38.4 per cent carbohydrates are richer than fruits. Their mineral matter content is 1.2–3.5 per cent and are hence better than fruits in this regard. Of the total weight of fruits, pulp constitutes about 30 per cent. It indicates good proportion of edible mass of fruits. The fruits can be hence popularized as one of the food crops of high utility. It can be grown on marigold soil with less input. It can go as one of the components in agr/horti based farming system under agroforestry
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