Field studies were conducted in Haryana, India, during the 2008/09 and 2009/10 rabi seasons, to determine the influence of rhizobacteria on the growth and seed yield of fennel. The treatments comprised rhizobacteria FK 14 (seed treatment; T1), rhizobacteria FK 14 (seed treatment + soil application; T2), rhizobacteria FL 18 (seed treatment; T3), rhizobacteria FL 18 (seed treatment + soil application; T4), rhizobacteria FK 14 + FL 18 (seed treatment; T5), rhizobacteria FK 14 + FL 18 (seed + soil treatment; T6), Trichoderma MTCC-5179 (recommended dose; T7) and control (T8). The recommended rate of inorganic nitrogen (50 kg N/ha) was applied. A uniform basal rate of 25 kg P2O5/ha along with one-third of N was given at sowing and the remaining two-third of N was top dressed and incorporated to the soil at 30 and 60 days after sowing. Fennel seeds were treated with rhizobacterial strains (10 g/kg of seed) and soil application of rhizobacteria and Trichoderma (MTCC-5179) at 50 g/m2 was done as per treatment just before sowing. Seeds of fennel cv. Hisar Swarup (HF-33) were sown at a spacing of 20 cm plant to plant and 30 cm row to row during the last week of October. Data were recorded on the plant height, branches per plant, umbels per plant, umbellets per umbel, seed per umbel and seed yield. Results showed that the application of Trichoderma MTCC-5179 or rhizobacteria FL-14 (seed treatment) were the best treatments for the cultivation of fennel.
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