Journal : HortFlora Research Spectrum
Volume : Volume 3, Issue 4: December 2014
Page (s) : 392
Date of Publication
Print : 25-Dec-2014
Article Type : Other
Online : 25-Dec-2014
Reviewers List for HRS Vol. 3 (1-4), 2014
Chief Editor
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The HortFlora Research Spectrum (HRS), is an international-peer reviewed, open access journal that serves as a forum for the exchange and dissemination of R & D advances and innovations in all facets of Horticultural Sciences (Pomology, Olericulture, Floriculture, Post Harvest Technology, Plant Biotechnology, and Medicinal & Aromatic Plants etc.) and its allied branches on an international level. HRS is officially published quarterly (March, June, September and December) every year, in English (print & online version), under the keen auspices of Biosciences & Agriculture Advancement Society (BAAS), Meerut (India)
Aims & Scope
The journal HortFlora Research Spectrum (HRS) having International Impact (NAAS Rating: 3.78; ICV: 63.40, PIF: 4.079; GIF: 0.471; IBI Factor: 2.8; NJIF: 2.14; GSCIF: 0.364; OAJI Impact Factor: 0.201; Indexed in Indian Citation Index (ICI) since 2012), publishes high quality peer reviewed/refereed original research papers, review articles and research notes on all aspects of Horticultural plants' research including agronomic management, plant nutrition, biotechnology, crop improvement, plant protection, plant physiology, cell & molecular biology, medicinal & aromatic plants, food & nutrition science, agroforestry, environmental science, plant medicinal properties, ethno-phytomedicine, technology dissemination etc.
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