In an experiment conducted on ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal), to study the response of different organic amendments with organic manure (FYM) and bio-fertilizers in relation to plant growth, root yield and quality parameters. It was found that the seed lings (5-7 leaf stage) inoculated with Azospirillum @ 105 or 106 CFU resulted a significant increase in plant growth and bio mass yield which exhibited a positive association among them in contributing the root yield and quality traits. The maximum and positive correlation (0.884) was observed between the total alkaloid and withanaloid content followed by fresh root weight per plant (g) and fresh root yield per ha (0.831) and between plant height and number of leaves per plant (0.777). The association of the plant height also exhibited a highly significant correlation with stem diameter (0.659), alkaloid (0.777) and withanaloid (0.668) content in the roots. The number of leaves per plant had highly significant and positive correlation (1.99) with plant canopy followed by alkaloid (0.755) and withanaloid (0.774) contents. The fresh root weight per plant exerted the positive and significant effect of high magnitude (0.831) and fresh root yield (kg) per plot. Dry root weight per plant could established a significant and positive association (0.514) with dry root yield (kg) per ha. The total alkaloid content in the roots witnessed a highly significant and positive correlation with plant height (0.777), number of leaves per plant (0.755) followed by positive and significant association with stem diameter (0.573), number of berries per plant (0.554) and fresh root yield (kg) per plot (0.485). Withanaloid content (%) witnessed a highly significant and positive correlation with plant height (0.668), number of leaves per plant (0.754) and alkaloid content (0.884). Whereas, a significant and positive correlation exhibited with stem diameter (0.581).
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