The experiment was conducted at NRC for Grapes, Pune during year 2007-08.Four commercially cultivated grape varieties viz. Thompson Seedless, Tas-A-Ganesh, Flame Seedless and Sharad Seed less were analyzed for dry matter content during harvesting stage of the crop. Dry matter partitioning in different parts of vines were ob served. Highly significant differences were observed among varieties, various vine parts and their combinations. Among the varieties, maximum dry matter content was recorded in Sharad Seedless (42.87%) followed by Tas-A-Ganesh (42.29%) and among the various parts of the vine, it was found maximum in cordon (54.84%) followed by trunk (54.39%). When dry matter content was measured in particular variety in specific part of the vine, maximum dry matter was recorded in the trunk of Sharad Seedless variety. Roots are the source of nutrient absorption by the vine. Root health found to be positively correlated with the health of the plant and productivity. In the present experiment, highest dry matter content of the roots was observed in the Sharad Seedless with the mean value of 47.72%. Also the dry matter content of the harvestable organ (bunches) was found maximum in Sharad Seedless (25.73%) as compared to other variety.