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  • HortFlora Research Spectrum
  • HortFlora Research Spectrum
  • HortFlora Research Spectrum
  • HortFlora Research Spectrum
  • HortFlora Research Spectrum
Journal : HortFlora Research Spectrum
Volume : Volume 1, Issue 1: January-March 2012
Page (s) : 17-23
Date of Publication
Print :
Article Type : Full Length Original Article
Online : 20-Feb-2012
Influence of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Grapes cv. Perlette
N. K. Arora, M. I. S. Gill and Navjot*
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The present studies were conducted to ascertain the effect of different combinations of N, P and K fertilizers on the yield and quality of Perlette grapes. The yield and quality characteristics varied with the different combinations of N, P and K. The mean pooled data indicates that the maximum number of bunches/vine (2.28) were obtained in N1P1K1 combination. The mean bunch weight was however, significantly higher (497.2 g) in a fertilizer combination N1P2K2 followed by combination N1P1K2 (469.3). The higher yield /vine (10.3 kg) was obtained in N1P2K2 combination. The quality parameters viz., TSS, acidity and TSS/Acid ratio also varied with change in fertilizer dose. The significantly higher TSS (19.1%) was obtained in the bunches harvested from the vines given 75 g N, 50 g P and 150 g K. The TSS/Acid ratio was significantly higher (37.3). Thus the fertilizer combination N1P1K2 (75g N, 50 g P and 150 g K)/ year age of vines should be recommended in vine yards to obtain higher yield and better quality fruits.

Cite this article as:
Arora N. K., Gill M. I. S. and Navjot (2012). Influence of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on yield and quality of grapes cv. Perlette. HortFlora Res. Spectrum, 1(1): 17-23
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