Pericarp browning and aril decay of litchi fruits shorten post-harvest storage and thus reduce market value. Efficacy of organic acid and chitosan on litchi fruits during storage was investigated during 2011. The experiment consisted of 8 treatments of organic acid and chitosan (control, chitosan 1%, Citric acid 5%, Citric acid 10%, Ascorbic acid 5%, Ascorbic acid 10%, Oxalic acid 5% and Oxalic acid 10%) and stored for 12 days at 2°C with RH 85-90%. Results showed that organic acid and chitosan increased anti-oxidation capacity and inhibited dehydration and microbial attack. Among all treatments, chitosan 1% exhibited a potential for shelf life extension of litchi fruits while oxalic acid 10% effectively controlled the pericarp browning of litchi fruits during postharvest storage.
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