The auxins viz. 2, 4-D, NAA alone or in combination to BAP (1.0mgl-1) did not induce good quality callus. More than 1ppm IBA formed less and quite compact callus at cut ends with rooting only after two weeks. IBA (0.5-2.0 mgl-1) + 1.0 mg/l BAP increased the mass of pale white, compact, nodular callus with embryogenesis in ten days that differentiated on the callusing media. With IBA and BAP, hypocotyls induced 100.00% callus on all the MS media combinations (1.5mgl-1 IBA + 1.0mgl-1 BAP, 1.0mgl-1IBA +1.0 mgl-1BAP and 0.5mgl-1IBA + 1.0mgl-1BAP), while cotyledons produced maximum callus on MS with 1.5mgl-1IBA + 1.0mgl-1BAP (97.03%). However, cotyledon induced 95.64% somatic embryogenesis on MS +1.5mgl-1 IBA + 1.0mgl-1 BAP followed by leaf (94.10%). Hypocotyl had no somatic embryogenesis on MS media fortified with conc. of 1.5 mgl-1IBA + 1.0mgl-1BAP, which could be increased with further decrease in IBA levels. Callus induced by NAA, 2,4-D and IBA auxins suppressed shoot bud initiation, while IBA +BAP induced callus diverted towards differentiation into shoots on higher levels of BAP+ kin. Furthermore, organogenesis was not observed in the callus induced from the hypocotyl, whereas it was maximum in cotyledon (55.02%) followed by leaf (44.57%) on MS medium supplemented with 2.5mgl-1BAP + 1.0mgl-1kin + 0.2% activated charcoal.
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